There is this girl in this class who showed extreme interest in me during school. I ignored this and whatever signs she would give me because I didn’t think anything of it. So later on, I wanted to ask around. Whenever I did talk to her, I would look her in the eye and she wouldn’t be able to look at me in the eyes. And other signs like those. The important context is that… I was in the hallway during school and she came and I believe she scoffed at me. I didn’t quite get a good look, but I believe she just coughed or just smiled somewhat at me she also hangs out with people who I think talk behind my back and tell her lies about me. Then I went to talk to her and she just looked at me with a very… Face that was almost looking down on me and making fun of me in a non-direct way. And sometimes she doesn’t do this. Sometimes she goes back to not acting so negative towards me. And it’s good with me some days, though. I want to ask her out unless She’s simply going to be with that attitude. And I’m confused as if maybe she might have just lost interest after me just not looking at the signs. Or maybe she’s takes into account the lies that her aquitances have told her changing her perception of me slightly.
What has happend? Has she lost interest? Or am I misreading the situation?

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