Where do you usually go? How long do you stay there?

  1. This year is a pretty travel heavy year

    * We just did 4 days in Chicago last weekend
    * We’ve got a two week trip out to California this summer
    * We’ve got a small weekend getaway in Nashville, Indiana for a Weird Al concert
    * We’ll probably do some cave stuff in Kentucky at some point
    * And at some point this year we’ll be going to PA to see the in-laws.
    * We’ll probably do a couple other smaller overnight trips or day trips as well, such as to Indiana Dunes or to Bloomington.

    We usually do more smaller 3-4 day trips than solid 2 week ventures. Last time we did a solid 2 weeks of travel was 2019.

    So we probably travel somewhere every 2-3 months or so, though that somewhere is often somewhere in Indiana or to a neighboring state.

  2. Several times a year for any length between a couple days and a couple weeks.

  3. I try and travel as much as I can. I usually take at least one international trip a year and a couple of domestic vacations/trips.

    I’m going to the Smokies in April, Milan, Lake Como and the Italian Alps in June, a week on the Vineyard in August and *maybe* a trip to Singapore in late September for the Singapore GP.

    This is in addition to at least one trip home to Missouri, weekend trips to see friends in places like Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston and Miami and as much time upstate as I can get.

  4. With COVID not so much but usually 3 – 4 times a year. I try to go to another country once a year because I love traveling. Otherwise I take a trip to another state or just stay home.

    Vacations for me are usually a week or two long.

  5. It used to be once a year for a week, but haven’t really gone anywhere since 2019 and generally just use all my vacation days when people come to visit me. (I get 3 weeks vacation but spend most of it on stay-cations)

  6. Went got back from Alabama just a few days ago, lovely place along the beach called Gulf Shores.

  7. Several times a year. It’s where all my money goes. I literally just got back from Dublin last night

  8. We usually drive to Iowa and back about 4 times a year for 5 to 7 days to see my daughter and kids (1000 mile round trip, wife’s a teacher so spring, fall and Christmas breaks). Every few years when things line up we take a long one, last one was 6000 miles and 5 weeks to California and back. Camp in national parks and wash off the dirt in Vegas

  9. Not often enough lol. I don’t go on vacation often but when I do I go on bigger, longer trips. I was planning on going to Scotland this summer, but now I’m thinking I should wait to plan anything in case WWIII breaks out officially.

  10. Not often enough, but I do take a yearly staycation. I went to Indianapolis last year. However, I’m not counting last year cause my grandfather passed while I was in the middle of it. I personally don’t have a preference. I’m kicking off this year’s staycation by going to the Nascar Nashville Cup race though so that will be fun. I do want to take my wife to the beach as she has never seen the ocean. We are hoping to do that next year.

  11. We tend to do shorter trips since neither of us like being away for more than a week or so. Typically our big trip is during the cold months to Mexico, USVI, or something like that.

    During the warmer months, we tend to take shorter trips. We go to Red Rocks for concerts, Bemidji MN for fishing and to get away and we get a lot of AirBnB’s in the Motuinas and spend long weekends there.

  12. Every couple years. Last time was December 2019. My hubby and I disagree about where to go next.

  13. Vacation as in go to a tropical paradise and have servers bring me nachos and margaritas on a private beach? Maybe once every other year. I like to take several long weekends tho where I use pto to take 4 or 5 days off every couple months.

  14. Only when my parents invite me and the accomodations are payed for lol. So maybe every couple of years. Such is being in your 20s or 30s in our country right now.

  15. About once a year. Road trip to VA and DC for a trivia con this year. Los Angeles last year. Gulf coast the year before.

  16. Before covid I went every two years. I usually go somewhere in Mexico or in the Caribbean. 5 to 7 days is usually how long I’d stay.

  17. I’ve gone to Japan three times in the last 8 years. Though one time was for work so not really “vacation.”

    First time, 3 months. Last time, 2.5 months.

    Germany is next on my list.

  18. We started out small with driving trips to our coastline for a night or two.

    I once had a failed attempt at an Airbnb. It was close to $200 a night and the pictures posted were totally false.

    Now that the kids are older and I’m professionally successful. We are able to go a bit bigger.

    Last fall we did Disneyland for a few days.

    This summer we’re going to a Mexican resort.

    Maybe I’ll rent a house in the fall a drive away.

  19. I do several weekend trips a year, just like to other California cities or Mexico. Longer trips, more like once or twice a year. We’ve got a summer trip to visit family in the Midwest on the calendar (week and a half), and potentially Hawaii this winter (probably a week).

  20. Cannot remember the last time I could.

    More than 10 years ago for sure and then I just went with friends back home. Got to see Wisconsin, Virginia, Kansas, California.

    Now I work.

  21. Hardly. Last time I was on vacation was two years ago to Charleston/Isle of Palms. Before that…I don’t even remember lol.

  22. All my time off has been used up on health or daycare related leave for me or my family. So none this year

  23. Usually to my parents in Sarasota or the in-laws in western Colorado. Time out there depends on the occasion. This summer we’re attempting to go on a cruise (our first trip out of the US together) to the ABC islands

  24. I’m probably out of town more often than not.

    Last year, I did Hawaii x2, Europe x2, and Mexico x2 for 1-2 weeks each. I also did a few 4-5 day domestic trips (NY, Seattle) and at least 1-2 local (somewhere in CA) 3-4 day trips per month.

    This year to date, I’ve already done Costa Rica, New Orleans, Alaska, and several local trips. For the rest of the year, I have tentatively planned Hawaii, Europe at least once (location tbd), Asia at least once (location tbd), Mexico at least once, and a bunch of shorter ski trips since my friends are starting to get into snow sports.

    Pre-pandemic, I was also going to Vegas like once a month. I don’t foresee myself doing that much now as I approach 30 later this year.

  25. In 2021: 3 days in California,
    1 week in North Carolina,
    1 week at Bear Lake in Utah,
    2 weeks at home for a brain surgery,
    2 days off, at home, for Thanksgiving,
    1 week off, at home, for Christmas and New Years

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