I think of some people i used to be close friends with a lot, but then, it’s been years since we had contact. I know I remember them fondly, but I feel like they’ve probably forgotten about me. Because that’s happened before, where I’ve been excited to run into someone and they were like “who are you…?” and then I was awkwardly like, oh, we know each other through thing, and they’d be like, oh sure, well nice to see you, though it was clear they still had no idea who i was and we parted ways asap.

So, because I’ve had that interaction before, it makes me feel like I shouldn’t reach out to people I used to know, even if we were close. It makes me worry that if I were to reach out, it’d just make me look creepy and pathetic. Which… if I were reaching out to an ex, I feel like it would be. An ex did that to me and I immediately blocked his number because I was disturbed that he still had mine a decade after our relationship ended. But for someone you used to be friends with… idk. I feel like I would be so touched if an old friend reached out. But also… I’m such a forgettable person. I feel like if I tried, people wouldn’t remember me and like I’m weird for still thinking of them at all.

Like if the friendship ended badly, I wouldn’t. But in the case of just, life took us separate ways… idk. I just don’t want to do anything that would make anyone uncomfortable or that would be weird or anything.

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