I (18m) have autism which affects my ability to socialize, I often say or do the wrong thing and hurt people I don’t want to. My dad (40m) died about 4 years ago very suddenly, since he died some parts of our house have gone to ruin and one the worst is the garage. My mum (41f) has informed me that we are clearing out the garage soon, the problem is about a year ago I found a diary with fetish photos on every other page. Nothing of note was written in the diary but there was a magazine selling fetish gear for men with models and a goodbye letter from a man (it doesn’t say anything outright it mainly talks about memories but where it was kept is suspicious I think), the diary is from after my parents got married. My first thought was to burn it but I don’t want to do the wrong thing here and if there’s more my mum could find it, if she does would she be better of knowing everything? She thinks she might have caught him texting another woman about 10 years ago but never found proof.
TLDR: I might have found evidence my dead dad was unfaithful I don’t want to hurt my mum.
Thank you for taking time time out of your day to read this.

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