I 27yF has been dating a guy 27y M from last 5 years and this is our 6th year But lately something alarming happened, post getting drunk he first said he is not interested in having sex but later said he would like to and started abusing me horribly by using all the bad words for me, he always like to dirty talk in Hindi language but this time he went overboard, until one point that he made me scared and I cried, got really afraid of him and ran back home, next day he tried reaching out to me, where I leashed out my anger on him and he apologised and said would never repeat it but he did talk to same way previously like 4 to 5 times but it was a part of dirty talking but this time it was pretty violent. I’m not quite sure what should I do.
A little back story Lately my partner has decreased sexual interest in me, he definately still jerks off when needed. But avoids talking about sex or about initiating it. It’s always me who has to take lead. He has had issues with my body not being “ideal one”. Plus he is stressed about his career too from last 8 months. We last had good sex 3 months back,but lately he has been really off even if we were together alone he wouldn’t initiate it. Apart from this he has always been caring and doing things which an ideal partner should do.

Reallly don’t know what should I do, should I leave or stay I’m in a very confused state.

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