The best thing to do instead of joining a club to find friends in college is to improve yourself in as many aspects as possible. “Clubs” are dumb ways that kids try to force themselves into friendships. In college, the best way to meet new people is to go out on the weekends, work out where a lot of other students work out, and most importantly, don’t be afraid to talk to people.

College is a time to focus on self growth. College friendships don’t often last that long after graduation. Find a core group of 4-5 friends who have like-wise goals and aspirations, and use those friends for entertainment, information, and motivation to be better. After you’ve found those core friends that you know will force you to be better, branch out to other people your age. Go party with them, watch football with them, etc. Those people might be considered “friends” but they’re more so just associates who can be fun to hang out with occasionally. Keep a good reputation with those people and always be respectful to them, because networking is very important. Don’t get too close to these people, as they can often drag you down.

You always need to know who your core friend group is. Those are your real friends. Real friends aren’t typically found in those clubs that the university encourages you to join. Get out in public, find something about a stranger that you can relate to, and start talking to them. Don’t be afraid to ask them to go study for a test with you or go watch the game with you, the worst they can say is no. Just understand what your goals are in college and what you need to do to accomplish those goals and focus on those. Real friends will help push you towards those goals and will let you know when you’re doing something wrong. There are plenty like minded individuals in college who are looking for quality friends, go out and find them.

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