Until now, I’ve been living what I thought was the perfect life: single, introverted, and spending most of my time alone. I prioritize self-reflection, noting down important thoughts, and diligently working on my health and career, eagerly anticipating the future. However, occasionally, when I stumble upon romantic content online, I can’t help but long for the feeling of being loved by another person.

Now, as the prospect of someone entering my life looms closer, I find myself profoundly shaken. The idea of welcoming another person into my world, with all their potential complexities, deeply disturbs me. I am torn between the possibility of this person enriching my life or bringing chaos into it.

As an introvert, confiding in friends feels uncomfortable, so I’ve resorted to expressing my thoughts through writing and introspection for the past two weeks. Yet, I remain unsettled. What steps should I take to find peace amidst this inner turmoil?

1 comment
  1. Good question, I’m admittedly stumped about specific steps you can take to surrender into that sense of turmoil. I sent so many wonderful ladies along their way without even realizing it because of that stuff until I finally got comfortable enough with my wife for her to get through to me.

    As an introvert formal dating doesn’t really work for us, your potential partner will be your friend first, so it’s a matter of getting over that awkwardness. What worked for me was she asked me for a ride home one day, then we just started hanging out at different community stuff like plays, baseball games, art & music festivals, etc.

    This is marriage forum though- I wouldn’t be hung on the idea of marriage though until spending time (1 year+) as partners, it’s a HUGE commitment & you want to make sure that actually waking up next to that person until falling asleep with them is what you want. I knew that early on with my wife but always good to know each other well before taking such a big step.

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