Europeans love train. Lots of efforts are put to make it the preferred mode of transportation instead of plane. But we are also far from being perfect.

I was wondering if you had any stores when you traveled through Europe by train and things went wrong?
What actually went wrong?
My goal is not to bitch on train services but to see if there are patterns across Europe on the problems we are experiencing with trains.

Sharing my experiences to kick it off
Last week I spend hour and a half between NS international and Eurostar trying to exchange my Antwerp- Amsterdam ticket for a different time, and the two providers were not aligned should NS (the seller) do the exchange or Eurostar (the service provider in their case). Eventually they couldn’t exchange it.

I’ve witnessed a girl breaking down in tears trying to get a ticket for the Istanbul train from Sofia. She made it (after lost of tears and frustration). But the counter person did not speak foreign languages (even though it was the international desk) and was really refusing to cooperate.

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