Hello everyone, my gf and I have been together for 9 months and they have been great. This morning my gf left for a trip with her friend to California for a music festival. I’m happy for her and told her to have a great time, but I’m gonna be honest I feel a bit sad, anxious and jealous. Sad in that i miss my gf but i know she’ll be home soon so I can deal with that. Anxious because the friend she’s going with isn’t very trustworthy in my eyes. She has substance issues and has gotten herself into plenty of bad situations and i get anxious that something may happen to them. We are all weed smokers, but her friend dabbles in the other stuff. I feel jealous of her trip and I want to be honest about it here. I’m aware that she hasn’t done anything wrong to make me feel jealous and this is an internal issue that I have to work on. Part of me feels like it has to do with the fact that I have always had a passion to travel and never really got the chance to travel with friends growing up. I live a pretty mundane life in a smallish town. I know that this isn’t fair to her to have to deal with a mopey boyfriend while she is trying to have a great time in Cali, so I been trying my hardest to be the best boyfriend and put my negative emotions to the side when I talk to her while I deal with these issues on my own, but it’s hard.

I’m not worried abt her cheating, I trust her completely, i just worry abt her safety. I was an anxious mess last night bc her and her friend came over to chill with me before they left. I became uncomfortable when I began to witness her friends drinking issue in my room. After I had a conversation with my gf abt how her friend’s drinking made me uncomfortable, she apologized and I told her that I worried a bit about their safety. She assured me that they will be ok.

What are some good ways to help myself relax during this period and just relax?

Tldr: my gf went on vacation with friend and I feel down but I’m aware that my issues are not her fault but I have a hard time dealing with them.

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