I’m a (27f) I work overnights in a casino. The casino is not much different than working in a club. I see a lot of different faces as far as the guest go but the same faces as far as my co workers go but with it being a Casino it’s plenty of different departments but I mostly only am cool with the people in my department.

Now, people from other departments come up and speak to me and I don’t dismiss them. It’s not a rule where we can’t talk to people from other departments but naturally you’re gonna be friendlier and more talkative with the people you work around the most. When others from other departments speak or join in on conversation I’m not rude.

I speak back and will have a conversation with them but I’m still more reserved because I am a shy person. I don’t typically speak and say hello first to workers outside of my department and it’s not intentional or that I think I’m better than anyone but I just don’t really know others as well as I know the other people I work amongst more closely in the department I work in. One guy who works security the Casino always speaks to me first.

He’ll always say “How are you doing Lady?” And I speak back. I suppose he felt I was being rude by never being the one to say hello first because today when he said that same thing he stopped after saying it and goes “Are you okay?” And after responding and saying that I was fine I questioned him and asked why he asked me that and he said “Because you only speak to me when I speak to you. If I don’t say anything you won’t say anything. You’ll just look at me look at you and that’s fucked up.”

He didn’t say it aggressively and it came off jokingly but you can tell he meant it but I swear I never meant for it to come off as rude. It’s just I don’t know him outside of him always saying “Hello lady” to me and I’m not the type to be fake and pretend like it’s anything more there than what it is.

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