I’m a (32F) dating a (29M) – in a relationship for about a year and a half. Things are good for the most part but I need help getting over my insecurities.

For me, this is the 3rd relationship I’ve been in for the last 15 years. I have been cheated on in both my last relationships. My BF has not really seemed to have long lasting relationships in his past, and I don’t know much about them, tbh.

We just moved in together about 4 months ago. He’s been out of work for awhile now, and I can’t help but be bothered by his attachment to his phone. I mean I get it, he’s probably bored out of his mind and I know he plays a lot of video games on it. But there’s very few moments when he’s not looking at it, and it never leaves his side. Just gives me the feeling he’s talking to women or being sneaky. Is this rational? I realize this comes from a place of insecurity and past experience of being with unloyal people.

How do I get past it? I hate thinking about it all the time, but I find it difficult when the time I do spend with him, he’s on his phone..please help 🥺

TL;DR : How to lose insecurities and learn to trust in a relationship?

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