How important is good conversation for you in a relationship?

  1. Very important. My bf and I had quite a lot of arguments lately because our communication was severely lacking. We sat down (for quite a few hours) and talked things through – what each of us needs from the other, things like that. I can feel we’re better now.

  2. Good communication and conversation is like the foundation of a healthy relationship so it’s very important for me

  3. Extremely. If you can’t converse and communicate the only thing left is sex. Sex is a big part as well, but not all of it. Really both are needed for a happy and successful relationship imo.

  4. Its a basic need for humans to communicate. No conversation means very obvious red flag.

  5. A good conversation is very important in any relationship. I enjoy conversing and communicating my needs, wants, likes, and dislikes. It is how we connect and get to know each other better in an intimate manner.

  6. Good is a bit vague but personally I like deep conversations. Not only about superficial things. Deep conversation that are mentally stimulating. Also vulnerability and both are comfortable sharing the opinions.

  7. Crucial. Dullness and stupidity are right up there with arrogance as deal-breakers.

  8. Almost crucial. Without it, I don’t spend enough time with a person to build a relationship to begin with.

  9. Very important. I can’t tell you how many people I no longer talk to because of their inability to hold a conversation. It’s frustrating.

  10. I think it’s one of the most important things, communication and comprehension is crucial!

  11. Critical. Without it, there’s nothing. There must be good conversation – not all the time, of course, but I must be able to communicate easily with my babe. It’s not an issue today and I can’t imagine it ever being an issue with her. In the past and with others it has been and it’s a death sentence.

  12. Critical- to share ideas, jokes, plans, experiences and feelings is the bedrock of a relationship.

  13. Key. Non negotiable. If I’m going to bother being in a relationship it better be stimulating and rewarding

  14. Very, obviously. If you can’t talk to someone it’s not really a relationship, just a sexual arrangement

  15. Very important – I realised that’s usually the reason why my relationship ended. Lack of topics to talk about, nothing interesting to add to discussion- it’s hard to be serious with someone who you cannot talk long with

  16. Most important thing. I would never want to be with a man who can’t have a conversation. Whether serious or fun, there really is no point otherwise

  17. More important than anything else. Communication is the key to a healthy relationship.

  18. There is literally nothing of more importance and if someone can’t handle me talking for three hours straight about my new obsession once a week I’m out

  19. This is a HUGE determination factor when I choose who I interact with, even in platonic relationships. If you fulfill me with the conversations we have, you’re superb in my book. ESPECIALLY in romantic relationships as well. Sometimes good conversation is much better than just having sex. It’s that level of full openness and it’s a type of intimacy for me.

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