(English is not my first language)

title says it all, yesterday my boyfriend of almost 7 years confessed that he fucked up. He told me that he recently got the news from his own mother that he got a girl pregnant 7 months ago. I still can’t believe it at all.

He’s been begging for my forgiveness and for us to work things out. Saying how he’s willing to do anything since all he got ask for from the other part was financial support. and part of me wants to try.

but deep down I know, how I feel so disrespected and hurt. It’s sucks. I’ve just being crying and in bed all day. we we’re planning to get engaged this year, and I was willing to leave everything behind and move in with him to another state… now all that went down the drain.

I can’t see myself starting over in relationships, I don’t really feel like I will find someone else.

Part of me is even praying that the pregnancy is not his. I can deal with the cheating part eventually, but not the pregnancy.

I even texted his mom, since apparently she was the one who told him, but I haven’t got a respond about it.

I know the right thing to do at the moment is to take time for myself and think this through, but all I could manage is to overthink why me? why my relationship? why was he dumb to not use protection? why now? why why why…

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