I know it’s absolutely ridiculous but I can’t help but feel a little sad and rejected when I know he’s done it. I have a much higher sex drive than he does but we have a very healthy sex life and we’ve discussed it before and he’s expressed it’s nothing to do with not wanting to have sex or wanting to jerk off more than have sex, it’s just a stress reliever or sometimes he’s just really turned on and can’t wait.

I work full time and hardly ever have the house to myself while he’s usually home when I’m not. I feel weird masturbating when I know he’s home (even if I know he’s already gotten off) so I don’t really do it. It’s incredibly unfair to him for me to feel the way I do or expect him to wait around until I get home so any advice on why I feel the way I do or how to overcome my own insecurity about this would be extremely appreciated.

TL;DR Don’t know how to deal with feeling sad about bf masturbating

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