Wasn’t really into hook up culture before but lately I’ve gotten more curious about it. Would like to know your thoughts and experiences.

  1. Dude told me he had a condom on and I found out later he didn’t. So be careful, but if you want to try it out go for it, it can be fun.

  2. I enjoyed them, before and during the deed. But I felt deeply sad after. And I realize that was partly because I “shouldn’t” be doing that. Double standards, I guess
    Edit: not my double standards, but society’s: women can’t hookup, but men can (who are they hooking up with then?)

  3. I only gave him a bj. We talked for a few months and he didn’t show any red flags. The experience was nice as it was my first and already weeded out a few guys both in real life and in person. He treated me with respect but yesterday he told me I’m built like a twig so there ya go. I would never participate in hookup culture again as I’m finding more confirmation that I don’t have the body type for men to enjoy in that setting.

  4. before the act was fun but i was under the impression we would hang out in the days to come. found out talk is the cheapest currency. would never participate in hook up culture again.

  5. The first ones used to be quite exiting because it felt very naughty. Like just doing stuff with a relative stranger you’d just met in the pub or in a club.

    Then after a while you realise that the awkwardness after you’re finished just isn’t worth it and I started valuing myself more.

    I still hook up with people but they tend to be more friends with benefits, people I know well and who I share more of a connection with.

  6. I didn’t really understand what was going on until I was at his place

    We were not skilled at all. We had no idea how the other gender’s body worked, tbh. I insisted he wears a condom and was super surprised that he needed me insisting (not the last experience of this kind). I spent the night at his place and left early in the morning

    He came to my place a few days later and tried initiating sex. I said no, not interested

    So he left.

    Never saw him afterwards, it meant nothing and I’m glad it was a one time occurrence with him

  7. Well it was with an ex. We broke up about 2-3 years prior. He started messaging me out of the blue one day and I engaged. I still had feelings for him. It was about 2 weeks later we hooked up one night. He left an hour later. He then started ghosting me, like barely messaging me. About a week later he posted that he’s having a baby with his gf and how happy he is to finally be a dad. I felt like trash. Even though I had no idea he was in a relationship with his pregnant gf who he was even living with at the time. Took me a while to get up the courage but I eventually texted her to tell her what happened where she proceeded to flip out on me. They both then blocked me on all socials. So, yeah, I don’t do hook ups lol.

  8. Kind of empty, and definitely unsatisfied (physically but also emotionally).

    Took me a couple years to figure out I’m only really into sex if I’m into the brain of the person I’m having it with, and feel that they’re into mine too.

  9. Well, my first hookup was back in 1992 in college. It was good. We got what we wanted from each other and moved on with our lives. I went on to have a few more before meeting my husband in ‘93.

  10. I felt great.
    Although I’ll never do it again. Not because it was bad or anything, just not for me… I like being intimate with people I’m emotionally connected to. While the guy was very nice and accommodating… I knew nothing much about him and that made the sex, well, meaningless for me.

  11. It was sort of forbidden in a scarlet letter kind of way, technically. Although he claimed that he was separated for more or less, five years. The thing is, it’s not yet legalized or on paper. The fact that he is still considered by law to be married is where my guilt stems from. I live in a country that prohibits divorce. But overall, the before, during, and after experience was unforgettable. It was the first time I had sex. He was a good lover, I think. Maybe it comes with his age since he’s a generation older than me and he was an adventurous young man back in his young adulthood. I’m glad I did it in my 30s when I’m kind of financially capable and somewhat emotionally stable (millennial problems, I guess?).

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