Im 25m and I haven’t been in a relationship all through my teenage years and I didn’t get into my first one til I was 22 and it was with my bestfriend from high school. I ignored all the red flags because I was madly in love but once I took a step back and saw how the relationship is for what it is and its been so toxic and abusive. It was definitely a learning experience and I left because I didn’t wanna deal with this for another 3 years. I wasted half my 20s on her and I wasn’t going to waste the other half, I decided to leave last year in November. Now it’s 4 months and im struggling to heal and move on.don’t get me wrong , im moving on little by little but it’s messing with me by how I few relationships. I wanna be in one but I don’t wanna get hurt again and but then I wanna get fully healed so I don’t hurt the next girl with unhealed trauma . I don’t wanna put my heart through that again . It’s conflicting basically and im not sure what to do or how to deal with it.

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