Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years but were really good friends for 5 years before dating. Beginning of our relationship was horrible because I was diagnosed with bipolar and wasn’t on meds but he still stuck around. Im now medicated and we have been doing extremely good and I know he’s the one for me.

About a week or 2 ago we were messing around with each and he told me “if you were pretty enough” and didn’t finish the sentence. I joked around saying “wow” and being playful because it shocked me he would ever say anything like that and I didn’t know how to react if he meant it. Its been bothering me ever since and he said he says things without thinking but I couldn’t understand why he said it in the first place.

I used to weigh 140lbs and I got extremely depressed before being diagnosed and my weight got to 204lbs. I’ve always had body dysmorphia since I was 7 and as my teen years I developed a eating disorder. He knows all of this as well.

We talked tonight about how I can’t move on from it and if he didn’t think before speaking what was he really trying to say? I know this wouldn’t come out good but hoping he would give a good explanation and im just being insecure. I kept pushing him to answer why he said that in the first place and he just said im not trying to hurt you. He later on said “I guess I have unrealistic expectations for your body”. Right after the call I broke down crying :/

Im not sure if I want to be with him or talk to him because of it. I guess I just want to know is this my fault for pushing him to answer the question? Am I being over sensitive? I feel really hurt and its hard to trust my emotions sometimes just because of my mental illness.

TLDR, Am I being over sensitive?/ Am I misreading this situation?

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