so i’m a 22 year old bisexual transman and i’m not exactly the most experienced person.

well, i’m hypersexual and very horny all of the time, but i’m having a weird issue that’s ruining my sex life?

i don’t have ocd or anything before you suggest, but i can’t seem to even consider having sex with anyone because i’m absolutely repulsed by some delusion that everyone’s genitals are dirty and gross ?

i’ve had sex before with both men and women and it effects both genitals but mostly men. i can’t go near a guys balls without getting borderline sick to my stomach and i’m terrified of uncircumcised guys incase there’s just a bunch of hidden dick cheese.

it’s the same for vaginas, except my only issue there is i can’t go near the actual hole when doing oral. i just stick around the clit

it’s not even a cleanliness thing either bc i’ve done anal which imo should trigger whatever this is but it doesn’t- and i’ve never once had an issue with any of my sexual partners being dirty so i’m just really confused?

i want to have sex but i can’t because of this weird issue. any advice ?

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