I f(24) have been with my current boyfriend (26 m) for 5 years. It’s always been common for him to sleep through his alarms. (For context he doesn’t have to leave the house until 6:30 for his job) well he sets alarms for 4:45, 5:00, 5:15, 5:30 and usually 6:00. Well for weeks he has been sleeping through them. I asked about two weeks ago if he could stop setting them for 4:45 and at least wait till 5:15, he apologized and said he’d try and wake up at 4:45 because he needs too. Well fast forward I asked him last night to stop because I can’t keep waking up like that, I’m exhausted and it’s not fair because he is just sleeping right through them and I can’t wake up him. (I could physically shake him and he won’t budge) well he told me he didn’t set the alarm for 4:45, the other morning (pretty sure he did but not the point) this morning again even after I asked his alarm went off at 4:45 tried waking him up but nothing and now it’s 5:30 and he is still sleeping. Should I say something? Be petty and change the alarms myself or just shut up.

TLDR- Boyfriend won’t wake up to alarms after multiple attempts of asking to change the times he won’t. Should I say something?

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