I got the inclination to look through my partner’s phone, i know it’s not a good look. I found some mildly incriminating text messages (not directly cheating). which honestly has been easier to wrap my head around than the dozens of videos and pictures of him putting dildos in his ass, as well as numerous screenshots of gay porn. All the time stamps read within the last couple months, usually when I’m working.

We have has lots of conversations about sexuality… he said he has no interest in getting pegged.. a finger at most. He has never mentioned any interest in men. Our sex life is pretty moderate.. which makes more sense now knowing he’s doing this when I’m working.

It’s not that I judge him, I just feel confused and bewildered…. I didnt even know he had dildos. Why would he video this? I’m just confused and honestly scared. I don’t even feel like I know him anymore. Any insight would be much appreciated.

I haven’t brought up the porn etc, but I did bring up the text messages and he has been very apologetic and trying to make things right. How do I confront him about this?

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