My husband’s best friend and his wife and children live a two minute drive or 10 minute walk away. We are close to them, but live different lifestyles. They host parties basically every weekend. Basic beer and bonfire parties, sometimes with video games involved. My husband goes about once every other month and I don’t mind.

We recently moved closer to them. Previously we lived a half an hour away and in those circumstances of my husband was drinking, he would sleepover. I didn’t mind because that’s the safer option. Now that we live closer when he has gone over, he usually walks there and comes home the same night. A few weeks ago he signed up to join a softball team with this friend. They have their first practice tomorrow. He was going to go to this friends house tonight to drink a few beers and play video games, fine. Then he told me he’s gonna sleepover because he is driving his friend to practice tomorrow morning and he doesn’t want to go, come back tonight and then go back in the morning. This doesn’t make any sense to me, because we live so close. I didn’t tell him he couldn’t go (because he’s an adult and I don’t mind him going) but I expressed frustration because we were supposed to watch the series finale of a show we’ve been watching for a few months tonight.

He brought up that I used to sleepover a friends house. She lived 3 hours away at that time and I would visit her twice a year for a weekend so I don’t think that’s a fair comparison. When I told him that, he shut down and said fine, he just won’t go tonight. I think he’s being childish. He thinks I’m being “controlling”. Should I have just been silently frustrated? Now we’re both unhappy.

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