My GF had a “party girl” phase throughout college and for most of her mid 20s. AKA she slept with a lot of guys, had a bunch of one night stands, etc.

She’s great otherwise, but her past keeps creeping up into our relationship and I’m having a hard time dealing with it.

Anytime we go out somewhere with a group of mutual friends, I’ll find out that she’d previously hooked up with 1 or 2 guys there. Or I’d get the “hey just a heads up, I had a thing with so and so” pep talk on the drive there.

I generally don’t have a problem with people sleeping around, but I don’t really want to constantly interact with people that my partner has slept with.

Like next month for example: We’re going to her best friend’s wedding, and I just found out that she’s hooked up with the groom (and the bridge) years ago in college.

I’m a shy person and it takes time for me to get comfortable around people before I open up. And I know that I’m gonna be very uncomfortable during the wedding, especially if pretty much everyone there knows that the groom has been with my GF.

I know there’s a level of insecurity on my end for letting this bother me, but unfortunately it does bother me and I don’t know what to do.

I’d appreciate some advice. Thanks

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