I don’t know how to feel. I feel like I am such a reliable friend and will help anyone I love as soon as they need it, even if I am doing something, and i am always there. Ever since I was 11 years old, (now 15) all my friends have changed, and left me behind, and I’m so done. I finally thought I had found one friend who I could finally trust and it has lasted over a year and a half and I was finally accepting it, and starting to trust in the relationship, but now I have left my old school I can see she is using me. I have not found one good friend who doesn’t use me and I’m so done. I have poured my heart into this friendship and was slowly recovering from my failed friendships, but now I realise everyone is the same. At least at my age. I hate it. From now on I am just going to be trusting family because I’m so tired of getting my heart broken over friendships. I try so so hard and nothing works. I wish others would do the same. Please someone tell me It gets easier when I’m and adult 🫤🫤

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