I want to repair the housemate relationship.

I M30 have a housemate F25 for the last 5 months.

She was introduced by a friend of the family, she used to live on the other side of the city and works 10 minutes walking distance from my house.

At the time I lived alone in my 3 bedroom home. She got one bedroom and we share the rest of the house. She has been a perfect housemate ever since. I do the cooking one day, she does the next, same with all the chores in the house. She even helped fixing some stuff around the house. Because she a handy and very talented.

In the evening when not going to the gym or other activities we sit in the living room talking or watching TV.

We have a very good platonic relationship.

Here is where the awkward part happened. Last month on a Friday I invited her to come along drinking with some of my friends. This was the first time we would hang out at a cafe.

Turns out she is a real lightweight and not used to alcohol. She got really drunk. I was the designated driver. So I was stone cold sober.

I brought her home, caried her to her bed, and because I don’t know her like that I left her on her bed fully clothed. I only took off her shoes.

And I went to my bed. The next morning I woke up with her laying next to me in my bed. She was wearing my T-shirt from the night before. The one I threw on the chair by my bed.

I was still wearing my boxers, as I usually sleep.

From my angle it looked like she was wearing nothing under that T-shirt. She woke up and as soon as she realized where she was she ran to her room.

I made us breakfast and when she came out I told her I brought her to her bed, and I don’t know how she got in mine.

She told me not to worry she didn’t think I did anything inappropriate. She remembers in her drunken state getting up to use the bathroom and and coming to my room. So she knows she did that herself, she just doesn’t know why.

She is gay, so it’s not like she is secretly attracted to me.

Ever since that night she has been distant. She is still the perfect housemate with chores etc. but she is spends more and more time in her room. I miss the talks we had and just hanging out in the living room.

I know I didn’t cause this, but how can I fix this?

TLDR: My housemate crawled into my bed next to me in a drunken state. Nothing happened but now things are awkward between us.

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