I’m on my first relationship. We use condoms everytime, I always check before putting them on and check them later for tears of signs of leaks.

This past week I’ve been feeling terrified because my GF said she had a lighter period, and I’m seeing this as a sign of early pregnancy. Now everything she feels I already start panicking. She just said today that she’s feeling tired, and as far as I know, that’s a classic sign of early pregnancy.

We both don’t want children and other methods of BC messes her up. The last time we had sex was last month, easter and on the 30th (we live quite far, so we don’t have much alone time togheter) I checked the condoms and none leaked or breaked, but I’m still scared as hell.

  1. Fear? Accident? I’m trying to breed that and only modern science is getting in my way.

  2. Man you gatta take some deep breaths. If you’re that worried get her a pregnancy test.

  3. If this is causing you this much problem, the girl isn’t good enough for you or maybe you should be looking for a more traditional relationship. Either way take it as a wake up call that you should be living differently.

  4. There are a few ways to deal with this fear. One way is to use birth control consistently and correctly. Another way is to talk to your partner about your concerns and come up with a plan together that feels safe for both of you. You can also talk to a healthcare provider about your options.

  5. If you don’t want children then assure that you won’t. Get a vasectomy.

    If you’re worried she’s pregnant, take a pregnancy test from the drug store. Worry only when there’s something to worry about.

  6. Is she on birth control ? If so then you have absolutely nothing to worry about because birth control combined with condoms makes it a 99.999999% chance she won’t get pregnant. If you just use the condom then it’s still about a 99.8% chance she won’t be so there’s nothing to worry about

  7. You use protection regardless of what she tells you she’s on and btw there are no accidents

  8. First off this is adorable. Don’t worry about it so much, if you’re not blowing your load inside her it’s not really an issue. Just do it porn style. Get some flavored condoms, bang her for awhile, rip off the condom and let her finish you off.

  9. I can sympathise. Hate kids, getting my partners pregnant was always one of my greatest fears. Been where you are many times in the past.

    Easiest way to solve the situation: Amazon a box of gregnancy tests to her house. Shit, ask her to take 3 in a row if you’re that worried.

    It sounds like your anxiety is making your imagination run away with itself though. You used condoms – none slipped, broke or burst. In all likelihood, you will be fine.

  10. >We both don’t want children and other methods of BC messes her up.


  11. Nope, if she’s on BC and you’re using condoms, there’s no worries. Have fun

  12. I got a vasectomy, so… But in addition to condoms, you can always pull out. And you could track her menstrual cycle with an app (Clue is good) and never have sex when she’s ovulating.

  13. If you’re wearing a condom that didn’t break and she’s pregnant I wouldn’t worry about it. Let the dude that’s been ejaculating inside her worry about it. Condoms do fail but the failure rate is low enough that I would be immediately suspicious.

  14. Can’t you use an ovulation tracker, and just not bang her for the week she’s fertile?

    Often wondered this.

    And use a condom anyway.

  15. First take a breath. Slow in and out. Did it? Good. 🙂

    Ok now, to be more sure, get her a pregnancy test or two.

    But from the sounds of it, it sounds more likely it might be stress related. A woman’s body can be crazy sensitive at times. Just a little stress has a chance to make a period light or extra heavy. Could be because of other health issues too.

    If she isn’t pregnant, and she still feels not right, suggest she get a doctor appointment with her OBGYN just to be safe.

  16. Chill out bro. Condoms don’t just break if stored properly. I.e never store them in a wallet, don’t leave them in your car, etc. Keep them in the box in a room at normal temperatures and they should never let you down. I’ve used thousands during long term relationships and never had an issue with one breaking. On top of that, it’s harder to get pregnant than people realize. The inside of a vagina is a pretty hostile environment. It needs to be able to destroy bacteria and the like. A little bit of precum just inside has practically 0 chance of resulting in pregnancy. It’s why having a longer penis as opposed to a short thicker one is seen as better because you release your load deeper and it’s more likely to result in sperm living long enough to find an egg and fertilize it. And unless a girl is ovulating at the time of the load, the chances of pregnancy are very low. The first two weeks or so after a period tend to be when you definitely don’t wanna go raw. I used to have sex with an ex without condoms and we’d only do it just before her period and she never got pregnant. And I was throwing all kinds of loads in there bro. U will be fine.

  17. Hey, just wanna say it’s very responsible of you to be concerned about this.
    If she can’t/won’t use hormonal or certain forms of birth control, and you can’t/won’t get a vasectomy, your best bet is to layer different types of protection.

    Keep always wearing a condom. But also look up and learn fertility cycles and avoid penetrative sex entirely during her most fertile window. Experiment with other forms of pulling out and finishing during other windows.

    Look into spermicides. There are many nonhormonal ones that basically either reduce the viability of your sperm or make it more difficult for the sperm to swim to their destination. They are like 70% effective, so if you pair it with a condom it reduces a lot of anxiety.

    Speak to a doctor/have her speak to her gyno. They will be able to help tailor the best choice. Also, if she doesn’t have a gyno, she should consider finding one, so she knows who to go to right away for sex health. Planned Parenthood also has a TON of educational resources online about all forms of BC like what I’ve listed above. Great sex health resource for guys and gals, even if abortion isn’t an option you two want.

    Consider stocking Plan B in your home if you’re not able to buy some asap, if you notice your condom broke. Same with pregnancy tests, so you don’t get anxious like now in the waiting phase.

    And lastly, communicate with her. Discuss what you two think you should do in case of a pregnancy, given that neither of you want the child. If an abortion is necessary, have a transportation plan and savings for it, especially if you’re in a state that restricts reproductive rights. This plan isn’t a solution, given that you both don’t want a pregnancy at all, but (as a person with clinical anxiety) it will help alleviate anxiety by having an action plan and knowing you’re on the same page as your partner.

    Good job, good luck.

  18. abortion my be illegal, but “accidentally” falling of the stairs ain’t.

  19. Always keep one (no more) gallon of milk that is almost empty in the fridge, so when you hear the news just drink what’s left of it and go grab some at the market

  20. As others have said, condoms are a safe and very effective birth control. I wouldn’t be worried in the slightest. I have heard stories of other guys that test condoms for leaks before and after and never understood the concern. If I was you I would be more concerned that she is cheating. In the future may I suggest using a spermicidal lube.

  21. How old are you, man?? It’s a lot more difficult for a woman to get pregnant that you’d expect. Also if she had a lighter period then you’re fine!

    If you’re that worried then she should take a test but it’s really not something I’d stress about. I used to raw dog my high school girlfriend daily and my stupid ass didn’t become a dad then so I expect you’ll be fine

  22. Just get a Vasectomy and reverse it when you feel ready for children. Living with this much anxiety is not healthy.

  23. A lighter period is not a sign of pregnancy, if she were pregnant there would be no period, despite what we learn in sex ed its not that easy to get pregnant you have to have alive spem inside in a vary narrow 3-5 day period 2 weeks or so after a period me and my wife took 6 months to get pregnant and that was with ovulation test and doing the dirty 5 times or more on those days

  24. “Feeling tired…classic sign of pregnancy” …and pretty much everything else😂 I’m tired all the time, pregnant for days

  25. If you fire and miss the shot but still animal is dead. Then the bullet is not from your gun.

  26. Condoms don’t break easily unless they’re super old/expired so I wouldn’t worry too much about that. You’re also checking them after too (which is important) so it’s not likely you missed anything.

    As a woman, I can tell you that different points in your cycle can make you unusually tired. Or you know, *life in general*. Being tired isn’t an indicator of anything. As for the lighter period, that could be for a number of reasons too. Just have her do a pregnancy test if you’re so worried.

  27. Dude breath.

    Seriously you’re over-reacting, take a breath if you’re that concerned get her a pregnancy test.

    If it shows up positive get a paternity test.

  28. I mean, being scared of bringing a life into this fucked world is a good thing, OP. Don’t ever let anyone convince you otherwise. Taking preventive measures and being proactive is wonderful. You deserve commendation for that. Salute!

    Condoms are pretty good at prevention. Failure happens, yeah I know, but overall you ain’t got much to be worried about. Buy her a test if you’re freakin, they’re cheap and give some ease of mind. Just remember, problems aren’t problems until they’re problems. Rn, it’s an unknown and out of your control. If ya can’t control it, what’s the point of worry, eh?

  29. There are no accidents, only karma opportunities. Time to make a clay mold of the fetus.

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