Hello. I ask this because I’m 23 and the girl im seeing is 23 also.

We’ve been talking for about 40 days now. Went out like 6 times. I haven’t seen her for about 5 days. Which is not bad. However, she is a full time student, and she is starting a new job tomorrow. So she may be working like 25 hours + school.


I asked her if we could plan out our next date, and expecting her to say a certain day within the next 7 days or so, she says she’s not sure because she’s starting work and been super busy.


If you’re truly interested in someone, wouldn’t you try to make the time, let alone within a 7 day period? It’s thing like this that make me feel like I’m wasting my time-but then again I understand being a full student and now starting a job. But she also does stuff like sometimes double text me, sometimes facetimes me every couple of days, so it seems like there is an interest still, but if you can’t find the time to go out again then it’s like what’s the point?


I did tell her to just tell me within the next week if she finds free time to tell me and we can go out if I’m available and she said she would. My take was if she doesn’t, then I’ll just drop her right there? To me it sounds reasonable… effort wise. We still text like all day and i’m never on delivered for more than an hour, to me if someone isn’t interested they’d leave you on delivered very long, I just don’t know with the mixed signals

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