This guy, Patrick, I’ve been following since the beginning of this year. We met on tinder. My friend took me out to eat once and I invited him. He said yes, then stood up on me that day because he got injured and sent me proof. Back then my friend pointed out that he’s so dry and not even trying, don’t go for guys like that. It got into my head. I stopped caring.

I was crushing on this guy for weeks because he was strangely my type and did some cool things. So I recently got dumped by a toxic guy I met off tinder, it lasted for like 2-3 weeks. Then out of the blue Patric comes back and messages me we’ll schedule something this week, that he will be there 100%. He was sweet and such a gentleman, it was honestly the best tinder date I had ever been on. I was happy! As someone with no dating experience, it’s probably the only one I consider an actual date. I invited him to a birthday party I have this week and he said he’ll be there. He messaged me that night thanking me for a great time. He paid for literally everything and kept holding my hand

Ever since that date he hasn’t been active or online at all or replied to the message I sent. I know what he does for work, he works full time and it’s a tiring job. I get it unlike people like me, some people have lives off their phone or don’t prefer texting, right? He’s only available weekends, I’m hoping me replies to me by then or I’m giving up bringing and seeing him for the second time. Maybe he’s just busy, or he isn’t as interested as I am, and I’m not the only one? What if my friends right, he isn’t even trying and I shouldn’t go for guys like this? Or he’s super busy.

1 comment
  1. maybe hes just not a texter and is not on his phone. wait and see if he reaches out to set up another date. if he doesnt then i think you should not take him that seriously. there needs to be some level of consistency with communication or going on date. going on dates once every couple weeks is not going to work for most people as there no real progress or momentum. trust your gut in the end if you feel its one sided.

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