My bf (21m) and I (19f) were in an argument about my health condition. I noticed a weird lump growing under my skin for the past few days. It’s hard, painless to touch and the skin doesn’t look red or punctured. It was a weird lump so I called local health line to check it out.

I called him shortly and informed ive called the nurse practitioner and they said it might be something complicated so they asked me to observe it for 24 hours and contact 911 if i notice more swollen. There, I proceeded to joke about it might be cancerous (i just have a weird humor to cope with stress).

Anyway I was genuinely upset about everything. Later that night he called me again later asking why i was upset. I told him my thought process and He said im jumping to conclusions about the lump. And asked if im making up these health assumptions to get attention from him. I was totally in shock, I told him “how could you say that?” I had so many things to say but all i can make up is “go away i dont wanna talk to you” and hung up on him. I still think about what he said and it still hurts. I dont know maybe im the wrong here? Please give me advice.

TLDR: my bf said im making up health assumptions to get attentions and that remark just keep haunting me and i dont know what to do.

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