I don’t usually quickly reply messages unless I’m using the mobile at that moment and I feel like to. People often get mad with me because it usually takes me more than an hour to answer. Sometimes I’m using the mobile when I receive a message but I don’t feel like talking about shopping, politics or even dayle life. I mean, I’m not a bad person. If a friend needs me, I will be there firts. I really care about my friends but I just don’t want to be texting (non important messages) all day. I prefer using my cellphone to watch videos on youtube, reading news and check twitter. Am I the only one who is like this?. I don’t really understan people who are texting or using the cellphone 24/7. Am I the only one who is like this? (I live with my family, this is why I only mentioned my friends).

  1. I do this as well because, to selfishly put it, me time is me time. I’m mot much of a texter nor am I a caller. I prefer face to face interaction and even that is limited as it takes me a while to become truly comfortable with others.

    There’s is nothing wrong with not preferring to text others. You are not obligated to.

  2. I won’t always drop things to reply, but I will reply to most people as the relationship means more to me than the inconvenience of a conversation that doesn’t interest me.

  3. Nope nope your not alone! I have been like this and I hear complains from every social app I use about me.

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