Hi All,

I’m sort of just venting. I am currently in a 2 month relationship with my boyfriend and ever since the day we became official, I’ve been so anxious. I’ve never been this anxious in my past relationships. I can really pinpoint what is causing so much anxiety. Things have been going mediocre. He has been asking me to go on dates and planning (but only because I started to communicate that thats what I want. Before that, I did a lot of the planning). He always says good morning and sometimes ask how my day is, but other than that we do not text that much. It seems to be getting less every week. He still asks to hang out but now hes taking on more shifts at his work whereas in the beginning he prioritized hanging out with me. We had plans to hang out this Friday but he decided to take on another shift instead which is making me upset. I love that he works so hard but I’m sad that we solidified plans and then he just changed it the day of. I have a feeling he is losing interest and I don’t know what to do.

I have communicated with him about my anxiety and I that I don’t feel secure. He just told me that hes there for me and he does want me. He says that he wants me to meet his family and he has a lot of plans for what we can do in the future, but right now I don’t get that validation unless I ask.

  1. It sounds like he might be future faking, especially if the plans are constantly changing. But it’s also important for you to communicate your needs and concerns with him directly so that the both of you can work together on strengthening your relationship. Don’t let those anxious thoughts consume you, focus on open communication!

  2. You deserve better treatment and priority , believe your feelings and what your heart and minds tells you trust your feelings

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