My boyfriend is out of town visiting his female best friend for her birthday weekend. He’s staying with her at her apartment and I don’t know the whole arrangement of who is sleeping where as far as her other guests are concerned. But my boyfriend stayed the night in her room, with him on an air mattress and her in her bed.

As much as I want to believe nothing has happened, there is a past of trust issues in our relationship that gave me pause when he first told me. I do appreciate him telling me in the first place, because he could have lied. We were on the phone when he told me and it wasn’t my intention to try to start a fight, I just tried my best to calmly express to him how I felt uncomfortable with it. I said I’m trying my best not worry about something I can’t control but this is how I feel. I asked for reassurance (what our therapist said to do) when I feel this way and my boyfriend didn’t really know what to say. He said he could move to the living room but I kind of feel like there’s no point now as the damage has already been dealt.

As long as we have been together (9+ years), him and his bestfriend claim they have never had feelings for one another past the sister/brother platonic bond. I’ve never 100% believed them because of how they interact, but I believe that is the result of my jealousy and insecurity issues that I need to work through on my own.

I still feel a bit uneasy about this after typing it all out and I don’t want to ruin his weekend by letting my insecurities take over. I’ve been trying to give him his space and not calling or texting him all weekend as I normally would when we’re apart. Just letting him touch base with me as he has time to.

He’s trying his best to be more transparent now after lack of transparency got us to a point of having to rebuild trust. He feels like he hasn’t done anything wrong and his attempts of being straightforward still causes problems. I still feel like I’m doing a poor job at handling what he tells me and let my overthinking take over.

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