I’ve been dating an LDR lover for about three years; he’s also a Filipino (26), but he lives in Qatar while I’m in the Philippines (26). This month of May, we’ve broken up three times. I’m depressed since he was manipulated by his church the second time he broke up with me. He’s a Baptist, and I’m a Catholic; he’s pressuring me to convert right now, but I told him I’d convert to baptist if he’d come home so we could speak about it. But after a few hours, he felt compelled to return since the Baptist church had deceived him. So we talked after that and then we got back together.

He claimed he wanted an open relationship near him since his aunts and grandmother constantly pressured him to try it, even though he already has a partner. He then pursued it, which is why he ended our relationship. He knows I’m not interested in an open relationship, but he insists on giving it a shot with the beautiful woman he’ll meet there. And he stated that he is no longer committed to me since he wishes to explore the possibilities there. He abandoned me, the one who had engaged in him.

I’m well aware of his rash choices. He’s someone I know well. Then he said, “I shouldn’t lock my doors on him because what if he isn’t satisfied with the new female? I’m going back to you?”

I’m not sure why these things happened to us. We were in a committed, healthy relationship until he abruptly changed this month after speaking with his family. He’s confusing me. I’ll miss reading the Bible with him. Should I give him another opportunity if he contacts me again and states that he has changed his mind about the open relationship? I need your advice.

1 comment
  1. Do not force yourself to do anything you’re not comfortable doing simply because you want to be with him. It’s only going to lead to future arguments and hurt you even more.

    I completely understand where you’re coming from but sadly he’s already giving you signs. Do you truly want to be with someone who have other speak for him? Reflect and think, if you’re in a relationship with him would you feel comfortable having his church and or his loved ones be involved in your relationship?

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