My girlfriend and I have been in a long distance relationship together for 5 1/2 months. We met on Instagram over 6 months ago and we have had an extremely healthy friendship and relationship this whole time. She spent most of her life in the Philippines until she moved to Canada for career opportunities about a year and a half ago. She was able to do this because she has some family in Canada. (I believe all her family in Canada is non-biologically related to her, also I believe all her family is Filipino) I am from New Jersey, and I have told my family about our relationship and my mother has agreed to visit her on March 22nd this year. (This date works for all of our schedules, and was made these plans early January this year)

So the time comes around and my mom and I start the 7 hour drive. We eventually make it there around 4 pm. My girlfriend and I had an absolutely lovely time with each other until around 10 pm (We didn’t have sex, and didn’t really do anything irresponsible), then I go back to the hotel for the night where my mom was staying at. I’d like to also mention I met her Grandfather who she lives with and we made great conversation and I believe he liked me. There is something I haven’t mentioned yet which is her grandmother is very strict about my girlfriend being with boys. (The grandmother is the ex wife to the grandfather my girlfriend lives with, and she lives close by) So my girlfriend hasn’t told her about me yet because she’s worried about her reaction because apparently she’s scary and strict. The next morning comes around and my girlfriend gets the courage to tell her grandmother about me. She showed me the text message at some point, (I can’t remember it exactly because it wasn’t in English but she briefly translated it to me) it said something like “I have a visitor from New Jersey, he’s my boyfriend and he wants to meet you. Please don’t be mad at me.” After she sent this her grandmother got very very angry and demanded my girlfriend go to her house with her aunt and uncle. We were supposed to spend the whole day together so this was disappointing. I figured she’ll be back home later in the day. After she didn’t respond for hours I was sent this:

“This is (Girlfriend’s) aunt, (Girlfriend) doesn’t have her phone, it was confiscated by her grandma. You should go back to New Jersey, (Girlfriend) is not going to see you anymore.”
My mom responded to this saying how she doesn’t understand the grandmas logic. Also she left her own phone number so maybe they can talk it out. Now it’s been a whole day since this happened and I still have no response at all, and we’re driving home. This is super aggravating because my mom and I are using our time and money for this to work, and her family is being very inconsiderate. I’m very worried if she is okay, and I’m also worried that her family is going to change her mind about our relationship.

The reasons I think this is happening is because her grandmother is worried about her getting pregnant. Which is fair cause we’re still young, but we would definitely be safe about it. (I believe the grandmother got pregnant at a very young age) Or because they’re a little racist. Since I believe her family is entirely Filipino and I am white. The reason I believe this is because when my girlfriend first moved to Canada, her family was trying to set her up with a man who I believe was Filipino. I just don’t know what to do right now. What do you think is the reason her grandmother is prohibiting me from being with her?

Girlfriend’s family has a huge issue with her being with me, even though we’ve never met me.

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