My bf (30M) and I (29F) have been dating almost a year. We’ll be going to a county fair next week and I want to take an old time saloon/robber sepia picture. I’d be dressed as a Can can dancer and my bf as old wild Wild West cowboy/robber holding a jack daniel bottle and revolver. I think photos like these are so cringe, they’re funny and cute. I told him of my idea and he absolutely hates it. He won’t budge at all.
We normally don’t take pictures together even when we’ve been on vacation in places like Africa. I’ve gained weight these last couple of years so it’s taken a toll on my self esteem and he’s just indifferent about them. We are planning to move in together so I thought we ought to start taking pictures so we can decorate our new home. It’s bothering me that he’s so stubborn. His excuse is that it’s so cringe he’s going to feel sick and doesn’t want anyone to see him dressed that way. Idk if it’s a cultural difference, he’s British and I’m Mexican American. He has a good sense of humor so I thought he’d find it funny and go along with it. Am I being dramatic and disrespectful if I continue to ask? How should I approach this?

Also, in past relationships and even just short term love interests he’s taken loads of pictures with them and of them. He hardly has any pictures of me.

TL;DR I want to take cringey Wild West saloon pictures at county fair with BF but he doesn’t want to. His excuse is that they are too cringe and doesn’t want anyone to see him dressed like that. He might throw up. How should I approach this?

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