If you attend therapy, how open are you about it? If not very, what makes you decide to share or trust someone with that information?

  1. I attend therapy, and I’d not hide this from anybody. It’s not information I insert into every conversation, but if it’s relevant, I talk about it.

    I’d hide any details or diagnosis, but that isn’t quite the question.

  2. I am fairly open about going to therapy. My partner knows, my family, my friends, my boss, etc. Pretty much anyone who is not either just an acquaintance, or stranger. I go to Veterans Affairs, so I just want the people in my life to know that their tax money isn’t going to waste.

  3. I only started earlier this year. My therapist repeatedly assured me that any info they get from me is strictly confidential, which has made it a bit easier to open up about stuff, but I haven’t really told them things that my friends don’t already know save for the frequency of my suicidal ideation.

  4. I tell people I’m in therapy but I’m not open to share about the details. What I tell my therapist is confidential, barring a few legal exceptions, and I value that above all else. My father used to get really pissed when I didn’t tell him what was said in therapy and it made me set a boundary about what I share in therapy.

  5. I have held back my deepest issues out of fear that those I know will find out.

    But, I have come to understand that until I can face my deepest issues that I’m just wasting my therapy & resolving nothing.

    So I will hopefully share these isues with her at my next appointment.

  6. I’m very open about it. It’s kind of inevitable that it comes up in conversations. Most people know that my wife passed away, it’s only logical that I go to therapy.

  7. Never open. I’ve lied to many therapist in the past. I will only trust people who I know who are innocent.

  8. I never tell my guy friends. It’s not that I’m ashamed or embarrassed, but more that we rarely talk about topics like that in our friend group.

    I do have a few friends who are single Moms and I openly talk to them about therapy.

  9. I’ve been in therapy several times throughout my life (most were **kinda** forced). When I was a kid/young teenager, I wasn’t having any of it. I lied a lot, and was pretty closed off to the therapist. I always thinked ( and still to this day) therapy is 90% worthless. almost all problems I can think off a person could have, are extremely “fixable” from within. I do not think we need as much “external help” as we think. Now, a little older, I still think it’s pretty much useless, but whenever I go I am sincere with my therapist. If I can’t choose to not go, at least im gonna make the best of it

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