TL;DR: I’m a background friend in an existing friend group with no one else at school to talk and spend time/have fun with other than them, however, some days are unsuccessful with them, which leaves negative feelings. Don’t know whether I should be alone or stay until the end of the school (2 months)

We are all in the last grade, with exams in 2 months. They all know each other since the start of the school year, and I got to know them halfway in, through becoming friends with one of them from another class. It’s 2 girls from my class and 3 from the other class, and I’m the only boy.

Even though they’re friendly to me and I occasionally get invited to something, I think I’m the background friend.

This is completely fine, as I know I’m not going to connect with everyone, or not everyone will want to put in effort to become actual good friends with me, I just try to be the best version of myself and being the friend I would like to have. However, I don’t have any other friends to talk to (at least often enough/regularly) at school our outside of school, I just have a “respect relationship” with everyone else in my class, except 1 guy who I play table tennis with sometimes, but I would not like to be good friends with him. There is no one in my class or in other classes of the same grade other than the people in that friend group that I think I would enjoy being friends with. There is also no one around my age at my gym that goes regularly/alone.

So, I know I am extra in the group, but I would have no one to talk to at school and have fun for the next 2 months if I slowly disconnect from them. I rarely feel like I’m valuable to any of them so staying is going to have some nice moments and some not nice moments (they do not bully me or make me feel bad on purpose in any way, it’s just a little disappointing but they seem to be doing nothing wrong)

What do I do?

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