Last week my best friend took his own life, with no warning, note or anything. I was obviously in shock and sort of shut down. I did not respond to any messages on anything from anyone except my closest family.

When I finally responded to my GF, she said that “she was disappointed in me for ghosting her and that I should think about what my actions entail for those who love me”.

The next day she continued this, saying “you should think about the consequences of what you do” and she proceeded to tell me that she did not want to see me until I’ve reflected on “my actions”. I kinda feel like I’m being held hostage here.

I’m honestly kind of floored about this. I feel like one of the few peoole I should be able to rely on unconditionally just reprimanded me because of the way I reacted to my best friend’s de*th.

I am writing this to get some advice, because I know for sure I put on rose-tinted glasses whenever I’m with her.

How do I bring this up? What do I even say here?

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