So, I’ve got this friend who’s about 5’0″ and weighs around 200 pounds. She’s been seeing this guy for about a year, but there are some seriously weird vibes:

First off, he won’t introduce her to anyone he knows. He claims his family is super old-school and would freak out if they found out they’re dating. Total secrecy.

She’s never been allowed to set foot in his apartment, so she’s never met his roommates or seen where he lives.

And get this, every time they hang out, it’s like a ritual – they grab some food and then head straight to her place for sex. Without fail, every time.

Plus, they’ve never taken a single photo together, and he doesn’t even acknowledge her existence on social media.

But get this, despite all these red flags, she’s convinced he’s just anxious about commitment and thinks one day he’ll come around and maybe even pop the question. She’s like, “We’ve been together a year, things gotta get serious soon, right?”

If it were me, I’d be seriously questioning what’s up with this guy. It’s like he’s keeping her on the down-low for some reason. I’d tell my friend to really think about what she wants out of a relationship and if this dude is meeting those needs. Sounds like a pretty one-sided deal to me.

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