A guy texted me almost every day for few months until january this year. He invited me out and we had a great time. I liked him even better after the meeting. He texted me the same evening when we went back home. Two days after he asked «how are you». Then I answered «Im good. How about you?» and he left it on read.
I gave him space two weeks, and invited him out. He said I wanted to go, but he was planning to go to his friends birthday party and wasn’t sure when the party would be, but if not, he would go with me. Turned out that he had to go to the party, but told me we should keep in touch during the evening. I didn’t hear anything so I didn’t text him anything. It’s been one month since I’ve heard anything, but friday he texted me and asked «how are you?». I waited one hour to respond (didn’t open the message), but again he left it on read.

Why would you do that?? I can say I know this guy have and has had a lot of anxiety issues. He went to psychologist for it. He also has ocd. I dont know if this plays a role here.

But it makes me confused. Why will you ask someone like this, and not respond?? Im 32 and he is 41.

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