Hello, man here (35). I make a living running a large website. Specifically, it’s a large adult forum — the biggest in its niche — on which members share videos, pictures, stories, etc. It’s pretty mild by today’s standards, but nonetheless, it’s still that kind of site.

It costs $180/month to operate and requires around 1 hour per day of my time. It nets an average of $9,000 through advertising, principally webcam services. I don’t produce content, it’s entirely impersonal, and most of the work revolves around moderating posts along with some administrative tasks. In addition to this venture, I generate around $4,000 per month in the financial markets — I specialize in selling credit spreads (puts primarily, some calls) and have managed to do this successfully for 6 years, through bull market and bear markets.

When meeting girls, I usually start by telling them I’m in consulting, computer/IT-related. I’ll add the bit about finance too. I’ve only revealed the true nature of my “consulting” work to one girl and she was outwardly indifferent, but it was clearly a problem.

What strategy would you employ under my circumstances? I’ve settled on concealing it initially, and revealing it as things progress. My sample size of 1 hasn’t been encouraging though.

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