I (M, 18) have been single for just over a year now. I’ve been staying away from relationships to work on myself and make sure that I wouldnt take anybody, just to not be alone. A month ago I met this girl on tinder and there was this strange connection right away. We talked a lot and found out we had so much in common.

As she studies in the same city as I do, I’m seeing her a couple of times a week right now. Both of us enjoy each other’s company and don’t want to leave afterwards.

The problem is that she broke up with her ex like 4 months ago and she told me that she doesn’t want a relationship because she wants to make sure that she can be independent from anybody. She told me this after the first time we met. The thing is that I’m a bit confused whether she does like me, and just don’t want a relationship right now, or whether she just doesn’t want a relationship with me in general.

It feels like she gives me mixed signals like putting her head on my shoulder when we’re sitting in the park, but telling me afterwards that she doesn’t want a relationship. She also told me that “We would be a good match on paper”, which makes me feel like she feels the connection, but just not that kind of spark.

We’re texting like all day long and It’s the first time I’ve been able to talk so open and honest to someone like I can with her and I don’t want to tell her how I feel because I know she doesn’t want it now anyway and I don’t want to scare her away. Should I wait and see where it goes or forget about the whole possibility of “us”?

1 comment
  1. I feel she is still figuring out the whole situation herself, so just keep doing what you’re doing. If she doesn’t want to be with YOU she wouldn’t spent that time with YOU. I’m guessing she does not want to make a next step yet, until she feels comfortable. But she’s definitely into you, don’t forget that!

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