I (26F) have been in a relationship with “Sam” (29M) for 5.5 years. We live together whenever he visits from client location. It started off as a casual relationship, but after 2 years we both decided this was it.

He is a good person, has been loyal and clean. My family (except my father) likes him and think I am lucky to have someone as patient has him. The thing is I always loose my temper around him. From the beginning of this relationship I have had to teach him how to treat me, get me flowers, we should celebrate valentines day, get me a chocolate when you see me after months, maybe get a souvenir to say you thought of me. I must mention that he does make a point to meet me whenever he is in town and talks to me on the phone when he is away.

Recently, we’ve had fights every 2 days. Eg: This Sunday he wakes up at 11am (has always been a late riser) I have had my breakfast and was waiting for him. He eats and starts watching YT. I do that as well. Then he goes to cook (one dish she asked for) for my aunt, I wait. He finishes it and is on YT again. I ask him, “won’t you talk with me today?” He comes to the room and watches YT again, so I do the same but out of the room. He then comes to me after 20 mins and just sits. I tell him again, how I feel lonely and don’t have anyone to talk to. He says, neither did I make any attempys to talk to him and gets upset.

This is just one incident. Every day is like a nag-fest, and he retalites with getting annoyed. I don’t know what to do. Should I hold on? Compromise? Because I have gone too far in this relationship, my whole family knows about us, I have fought with my father for this relationship, and I don’t know if I will find a partner after his (I live in South East Asia, so living together is scandalous enough). Also I asked him to buy a ring and we bought one in April 2023. It’s still in the box.

Am I expecting too much? Should I compromise? Or if I let it go, how?!!!

Tl, dr: Should I continue with this relationship or should I let go? If so, how?!!

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