I just need someone to tell me why, I’ve asked a couple of friends what’s unpleasant about me, but they never actually tell me. I recently moved to a new school and a lot of people from my old school ghosted me, which i understand why, I was a horrible person, i was insecure, depressed, angry e.c.t. but i feel like I’ve changed now, yet people still do not like me. I do have one friend in my new school but the others are just acquaintances.

I might be too talkative, I’m loud, bubbly, severely forgetful, I once left school and forgot my bag, my classmates chased me down, and I feel like I might be too nice, I don’t go a day without complimenting someone, it just makes me feel better, I’m scared people might think I’m fake because of it, I stutter whenever i’m nervous or when I’m reading outloud in class, also I do complain a lot and I notice I sometimes cut people off but I’m trying to improve, I also have a lot of unresolved trauma and issues that might also be a factor.

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