hi, liked this guy for a while in my film class. we love the same movies, and overall i think he likes me by the way he always smiles around me, looks into my eyes and is interested in what i have to say. we’ve had on and off conversations over text (which i have initiated myself) but recently at a party we just really clicked and we had really intense eye contact (didn’t look away once) and i felt like we had so much in common. the only thing is him liking me like that, i always have to send the texts. no one has made a move yet, should i ask
him to hang out? does he like me? thanks!

1 comment
  1. Never look for *specific* meaning or motive from “vibe”. I’m not saying the vibe ain’t there, I’m saying you can’t add up the different interactions you’ve had and mathematically deduce he’s “in like” with you.

    If you like a person, the correct thing to do is ALWAYS initiate and ask them out. No matter what you want, and no matter what you get, it’s always better to get to that outcome sooner than later – don’t pine over him for months, that’s going to make it hurt more if he rejects you and waste time if he’s into you. Just pull your pants up and make a move.

    So what if you text him first most/all of the time? It’s impossible to know why that is (maybe he’s not interested, maybe he’s shy, maybe he just thinks it would be too forward, maybe he likes you but has no idea you like him – there are too many plausible possibilities to decide in your head which one it definitely is).

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