Do you think where you grew up influenced your dislike or like of seafood?

  1. I used to hate seafood. Now I like seafood, although the seafood I like least is cooked fish.

  2. The only seafood I can tolerate is tuna which I’m told doesn’t count anyways.

    I’ve tried it all. In all different ways. Never gets down.

  3. >Do you like seafood?


    >Do you think where you grew up influenced your dislike or like of seafood?


  4. I love seafood. I did not grow up around seafood but with the amount of restaurants serving it, it’s hard to avoid, not that I would want to.

  5. No. I grew up in Massachusetts, live in Maine and work on a tugboat up and down the east coast. My coworkers love seafood and fishing. I usually make some homemade baked beans at that point.

  6. I do like seafood and i think growing up far away from the coast made it seen as more of a luxury/special occasion thing than perhaps somewhere right on the coast.

  7. I don’t like sea food.

    I grew up in the Midwest, but my parents liked it, so I don’t think it is related to exposure. I’ve also lived in most states west of the Mississippi for a prologued time, so I’ve also tried some of the best.

    The moment I taste sea food I gag and maybe throw up. There is just something about the taste I can’t stand. I did some research about it a long time. I guess there is something about a specific molecule common in sea food that some people find revolting.

    I’m not really sure why this is, but it seems to affect a lot of people. I’m sure there is probably more information about it now since it’s been a decade when I looked into it.

  8. Yes, I love clams, mussels, shrimp, and salmon.

    Surprisingly none of my Maine friends eat seafood. I think so many were forced to eat it as kids that as adults they have no interest. I have a friend whose dad was a lobsterman and he ate so much lobster growing up he can’t even look at it now. So I seem to be the odd one out.

  9. I love it. I grew up in a non coastal city so I doubt that had much to do with it, but I had family that introduced me to it early so that probably made the difference.

    Also I was exposed to a wide variety of foods as a child and expected to eat what I was served so I don’t really get the whole idea of being a picky adult.

  10. I love seafood. Oysters, friend clams, lobster, etc…

    Yeah, having an exposure to it probably helped.

  11. Not much, but we couldn’t be around fish because my mom has a really serious allergy.

      Like…if they dribbled a little between pans or used the same spot on a grill for hers as for a fish dish that needed an epipen and possibly an ER visit level.  Forget having it in the house.

    Didn’t exactly develop a taste for it growing up, outside of a couple things we could control like crawfish boils.

  12. I like it, but on the higher end of the scale, so I don’t get it very often at all. When it comes to fish though, I do prefer a nice trout to an ocean fish, that’s influenced by where I grew up.

  13. I don’t like seafood. I spent early childhood in Maryland and the rest in Wisconsin. Location has nothing to do with it; I just don’t like it.

  14. I like sushi but I find things like lobster and crab to be overrated. Grew up in midwest so that probably didn’t help

  15. Love it. Where I lived had nothing to do with my preferences, my family encouraged trying new things and how to appreciate unfamiliar foods.

  16. I *love* seafood. I eat it all the time and go out of my way for good seafood. If asked to choose between never eating land animals again or never eating seafood again, I’d choose getting to eat seafood in a heartbeat.

    I don’t think where I grew up had much of an influence. I was raised in an area that had decent access to seafood, but wasn’t especially seafood focused. I was raised by a family that kept kosher so as a kid I only got exposed to a limited selection of seafood. Some of my siblings don’t eat seafood at all or only eat it in small amounts.

    Meanwhile, when I was a kid I would do things like eat an entire platter of lox because the amount someone bought for a whole group of people looked like a single serving to me. When I moved out of my parent’s house, the thing I was most excited about was that I’d be able to being experiments with home cooking shellfish. I’ll fast slightly before going out to a good sushi restaurant so that I can eat more sushi. In fact, when I first tried sushi I was mostly worried about not liking the rice because I was so confident that I would find raw fish appetizing that I didn’t even question that part. As it turns out, I like raw fish enough for it to overcome my general dislike of rice.

    My love of seafood transcends any possible childhood influence and I eat more seafood than the rest of my family by a longshot.

  17. Love seafood, but living in the Midwest can make getting fresh difficult. A few restaurants have seafood flown in, but frozen is the norm.

    Grew up catching bass, catfish, and other fish on my grandparents’ farm. Nothing like a dinner of fried catfish, mashed potatoes, green beans, and salad – all sourced fresh from the farm that day.

  18. Yup. Living in a coastal area, sure, but also my upbringing. Seafood was common in Italian/Italian American fair

  19. Love it. Eel is one of my favorite foods but it’s so expensive here so I don’t eat it often.

  20. Yes, I like seafood, and it is often my preference on the menu. 

    I would say that it wasn’t as much about where I grew up as it was about family influence. My mom grew up eating a lot of seafood, and often cooked it at home for us.

  21. genuine question; how is this question specifically relevant to Americans?

  22. Indirectly where, but growing up in a kosher home in NYC meant a lot of fish, including plenty that most people don’t know about or don’t eat.

  23. Love it. Wisconsin’s Catholic roots created a big Friday fish fry culture when coupled with all the lakes teeming with perch, bluegill, etc. That is my *shit*

    Salmon, lobster, oysters, you name it, I’m a fan. Combined with our propensity for boozing, New Orleans quickly became one of my favorite towns lol

  24. I grew up eating a lot of seafood. I do think it’s because I live in SoCal at the beach.

  25. I love seafood of all kinds. Born and raised in Colorado so I’m jealous of those with easy access to fresh seafood.

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