Update: When I got home from work, all he did was complain to me. Literally, complain about how his cousin was on her phone and how our son got upset because no one was paying attention to him. I asked him, “what do you want me to do? Do you want me to yell at her? Say something to her? I don’t know what you expect me to do when I’m at work when all this took place”. His mom did pass away on Monday and I understand grief hits people differently but life doesn’t stop. “You get paid a bereavement and I don’t. I don’t get to miss anything because I have to parent”. That is what he brought up to me. I didn’t entertain him any longer.

My marriage is a shit show for sure, however some days are better then others. When he is in a good mood and things go his way, we don’t have any issues but when things don’t go his way, it is arguments and bad days. He needs to understand that life isn’t going to be his way, marriage is hard as is and he makes things worse. Yes, I do my fair share but I refuse to have him push me around and expect me to always agree with what he says/does. My opinions are based on facts and what I see, I don’t say my opinions unless I have too. I keep reminding him that everyone has opinions and they don’t care if you agree with them or not.

I get that I am not home like he is but I am at work making sure we have money to pay bills and such. I am not doing drug/drinking, partying or nothing. I mean I don’t ever get ‘me time’. I’m fine with that, maybe I’m not but it is what it is. I got to work, come home, hear him complain, take over with the kids and do it all over again the next day. On my days off, he doesn’t have to be home but he chooses to and complains because I don’t parent like he parents. To me, our son and our daughter doesn’t need eyes on like he claims they do. They are teenagers, not babies.

So, I didn’t talk to a lawyer and if I divorce him, I would more than likely have to pay him alimony and I refuse to do that. I only have 5 years till my kids are adults and then I’m done.

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