I’m dating my best friends ”enemy”. I 18F, met my friend 19F (let’s call her Eva) a year ago in school. We clicked immediately and we’ve been especially close lately because a mutual friend has been in a lot of problems revolving around drug abuse. We find a lot of support in each other because we both understand the situation.
6 months ago we were at a party and smoking weed. My best friend and the boy im now dating (let’s call him Lucas) were both there. While everybody was high, a guy made a stupid joke about transgender people and Lucas repeated the joke because he thought it was funny. Eva took the joke very personally because she is transgender herself. She thought Lucas made the joke up directed at her, which wasn’t the case. Ever since this happened, a bunch of mutual friends have explained this comment in the context to Eva but she still very much dislikes Lucas even after 6 months have passed.
In these 6 months (and before that) me and Lucas occasionally kissed at parties. In the last months we’ve got to know each other more and eventually started dating. I was very afraid to tell Eva about my new relationship because i know how she feels about him. I do think it’s very important for her to know about my new relationship with Lucas because our friendship is very important to me.
I was planning on telling Eva this weekend but she found out i was wearing his shirt and immediately started filling in the blanks. Now she doesn’t give me the opportunity to explain the situation to her and paints me in a bad light to our mutual friends.
I mean no harm to her by dating Lucas but i need her to see where im coming from but she doesn’t try to view this situation from my perspective. Which leaves me questioning how i should handle this situation going forward. Comments would be really appreciated <3

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