I’m going through something of a crisis right now with work, dating, and life in general. I feel so lost and have so many questions but am afraid to confide in my parents. My dad is extremely judgmental and used intimidation tactics on us growing up which I think has led my mom to take antidepressants. Anyway I’ve been getting therapy and can’t wait for my next session this week. It’s also an hour too which doesn’t feel nowhere near enough. But I’ve been seeing my ex again who cheated on me prior to starting law school. I won’t go into details but she’s been putting a lot of effort to rekindle things and part of me sees the good in it. Although we were very toxic and she has a troubled past, she’s the only girl I can see myself with long term. Maybe not marriage but at least cohabitating. Although there’s times when we’re together and I absolutely cannot trust her or some of her old habits come back that make me angry/insecure. Then I want to be done with her or just not respond altogether. I want to confide in someone but nobody reaches out to see how I’m doing… which maybe a large part of why I went back to looking for my ex. Anyway just wondering if anybody’s been there and has advice. I’m tired of making posts about this but suffering in silence is making me manic. I’ve dated a lot of women and they’ve all given me a reason to not trust them or do something similar to trigger me. So maybe I’m the problem and need to work through it.

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