23f met my 28m bf in 2020. He didnt want commitment for a long time. We became official in oct 2023. Right before that, i thought we were exclusive bc i met his family and friends and hed call me his girlfriend but i found out we werent by testing positive for chlamidya. He was very remorseful and we somehow moved past it bc he made it seem like he mustve contracted it a long time ago (we both had no symptoms) and we became official a couple months later. I really thought he was serious about being ready to settle with me and loved me dearly. However hes been super paranoid/protective of his phone and i had a gut feeling… so i went through his deleted messages.. i know its wrong. Hes been sexting one of his married friends 🙁 now im just trying to decide whether i should confront him or ghost him. Im a little worried ill get roped in again if i let him talk his way out of it but it feels evil ghosting him because i do love him a lot. Do i tell the husband of this married woman? Thats sall really. I am ready to let him go, just sucks.

Tldr: boyfriend cheated w married woman, debating whether to confront him or ghost him

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