So my pj’s consist of an oversized shirt and baggy fleece pants (never worn this combo). I also have satin hair ties (curly hair lady) that are different colors and I was wearing one that matched my pj’s (i absolutely need to match). I thought it was cute and I said “Oh hey it matches! I could just wear this to work tomorrow. (Where I work we have to dress out anyways, we have to wear what they give us. Pants, boots, smock, hair net and helmet).

He got upset and said “no.” I didn’t understand and said “what you mean no? They’re just pajamas.” Still said no and got upset when I told him I can wear it if I want. They’re not revealing or tight. Just comfortable. I asked him “what the hell is your problem anyways? you don’t make any sense.” He proceeded to say he just doesn’t want me to wear them and he said no. I said “you don’t have the right to tell me what to wear anymore cuz of what happened backed then. You had your chance already.”

Backstory: when I was working at my other job, he told me to dress more modest to be more respectful to our God and him. I started crying cuz I actually thought I did something bad. My attire was a regular T-shirt with a tank top underneath and pants.. i didn’t know what I was wearing that was so wrong but i still listened to him and followed what he said. He told me to just add a bonnet like hair cover (I wore my hair down cuz i wanted to embrace my natural hair). I went through with it and I also started wearing very long dresses that were loose on me. After a while I noticed he was straight up staring at other women who dressed way worse than I have ever did (short shorts, crop tops, skin tight butt lifting jeans/leggings, no bra, cleavage ect) [not targeting anyone who wears things like this, that’s not my point]. It was so bad that when I tried to have a conversation with him and another women catches his eye, he completely ignores me and metaphorically starts drooling. It hurts and when I asked why do I even dress like this, he then told me because he didn’t want other men checking me out.. I was so pissed. I stopped dressing how he wanted me to dress after a whole year, then I found out the truth.

To continue, he added that I disrespected him by telling him that. I told him with anger “don’t talk to me about disrespect, because that’s all you ever did to me. Now tell me why you don’t want me to wear pj’s.” All he said was “because it’s not presentable”. I said “i don’t give a damn, I’m not trying to present to anyone”. He got mad and said I hurt him and that because I didn’t listen to him he won’t tell me what to do anymore and if something bad happens as a result, he told me so..

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